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Database Module

The Database module provides various APIs to interact with databases, perform SQL operations, and manage data stores. Below are the key components and APIs available in this module:

DAO (Data Access Object) API

The DAO API facilitates database operations using an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) approach. It includes methods for executing SQL statements, creating, updating, and deleting entities, as well as handling database tables.

DAO API Documentation

Insert API

The Insert API allows the execution of SQL INSERT statements. It provides a simple way to insert data into a database table.

Insert API Documentation

Procedure API

The Procedure API enables the execution of stored procedures. It includes methods for creating and executing stored procedures with parameters.

Procedure API Documentation

Query API

The Query API provides functionality to execute SQL SELECT statements. It simplifies querying the database and retrieving result sets.

Query API Documentation

Sequence API

The Sequence API offers methods for working with sequences in the database. It includes operations for obtaining the next value, creating, and dropping sequences.

Sequence API Documentation

Update API

The Update API allows the execution of SQL UPDATE statements. It provides a straightforward way to update records in a database table.

Update API Documentation

Store API

The Store API simplifies interactions with a data store. It includes methods for saving, listing, retrieving, and removing entries from the data store.

Store API Documentation

Explore each API documentation for detailed information on methods, parameters, and usage examples. These APIs collectively empower developers to efficiently work with databases and manage data storage.