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Template Engines

The Template Engines group provides functionality for working with various template engines such as Velocity, Mustache, and JavaScript template engines.

Velocity Template Engine

The Velocity Template Engine allows for the dynamic generation of content using Velocity Template Language (VTL).


  • generate(template, parameters): Renders the given Velocity template with the provided context.

Mustache Template Engine

The Mustache Template Engine provides support for rendering Mustache templates.


  • generate(template, parameters): Renders the given Mustache template with the provided context.

JavaScript Template Engine

The JavaScript Template Engine enables the rendering of templates using JavaScript functions.


  • generate(template, parameters): Renders the given JavaScript template with the provided context.

Example Usage

import { engines } from "sdk/template"
import { response } from "sdk/http";

let mustache = engines.getMustacheEngine();
let generated = mustache.generate('Hello {{name}}', [['name', 'John Smith']]);




Function Description Returns
getDefaultEngine() Creates a default template engine (Velocity) TemplateEngine
getVelocityEngine() Creates the Velocity template engine TemplateEngine
getMustacheEngine() Creates the Mustache template engine TemplateEngine
getJavascriptEngine() Creates the Javascript template engine TemplateEngine
generate(template, parameters) Generate content using the provided template and the default engine and parameters provided string
generateFromFile(location, parameters) Generate content using the template from location and the default engine and parameters provided string



Function Description Returns
generate(template, parameters) Generate content using the provided template with parameters string
setSm(sm) Set start markup for parameters -
setEm(em) Set end markup for parameters -