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The provided TypeScript module Query facilitates the execution of SQL queries in a database. It includes a method for executing queries. Here's an explanation of the key components:

QueryParameter Interface:

export interface QueryParameter {
    readonly type: string;
    readonly value: any;

This interface represents a parameter that can be used in an SQL query. It includes the type of the parameter (string) and its value (any).

Query Class:

The Query class provides a static method for executing SQL queries.


execute(sql: string, parameters?: (string | number | boolean | Date | QueryParameter)[], datasourceName?: string): any[]

Executes an SQL query and returns the result sets.


  • sql: The SQL statement to be executed.
  • parameters: (Optional) An array of parameters to be included in the SQL query. Parameters can be of type string, number, boolean, Date, or an object conforming to the QueryParameter interface.
  • datasourceName: (Optional) The name of the data source.
  • Return Value: An array containing the result sets of the SQL query execution.

Example Usage:

import { Query } from 'sdk/db';

// Example SQL query
const sql = 'SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE column1 = ? AND column2 > ?';

// Example parameters
const parameters: (string | number | boolean | Date)[] = [
  new Date('2024-02-28')

// Execute the SQL query
const result = Query.execute(sql, parameters, 'yourDataSource');

console.log('Query Result:', result);

Replace your_table, column1, column2, value1, 42, true, 2024-02-28, yourDataSource, and other placeholders with your actual module path, table name, column names, values, data source, and query details.


Function Description Returns
execute(sql, parameters?, datasourceName?) Executes a SQL query against the selected datasourceName with the provided parameters result-set as JSON object

parameters array supports primitives e.g. [1, 'John', 34.56] or objects in format {'type':'[DATA_TYPE]', 'value':[VALUE]} e.g. [1, {'type':'CHAR', 'value':'ISBN19202323322'}]