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Python Engine


The Python Engine in the codbex platform enables developers to write server-side scripts and applications using the Python programming language. This documentation provides an overview of the Python Engine's features and how developers can leverage Python for server-side development within the platform.

Python Engine Features

Server-Side Scripting

The Python Engine allows developers to execute server-side scripts and build applications using the Python language. Python scripts can be embedded within the projects to handle various backend functionalities.


# Simple Python Function
def greet(name):
    return "Hello, " + name + "!"

Integrated Python Runtime

The Python Engine includes an integrated Python runtime, allowing developers to leverage the extensive Python ecosystem for various functionalities. This runtime ensures compatibility with Python libraries and modules.


# Using Python Standard Library
import datetime

current_time =

Integration with platform services

Developers can seamlessly integrate Python scripts with platform services, allowing access to database operations, file handling, and other platform features.


# Database Interaction
result = database.execute("SELECT * FROM employees")


The Python Engine in the codbex platform provides a versatile environment for server-side Python development. Whether it's scripting, application development, or integrating with platform services, developers can leverage the power of Python to build robust server-side solutions.