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HTTP Response

The HTTP Response object plays a crucial role in scripting services implementations, serving as the mechanism through which scripts generate the result to be sent back to the client in response to an HTTP request. This object encapsulates the details of an HTTP response, allowing scripts to construct and customize the response content, status code, and headers.

Developers utilize the HTTP Response object to craft dynamic responses tailored to the specific requirements of client requests. By leveraging this object, scripts can generate various types of responses, including HTML content, JSON data, or binary files, to fulfill the client's needs.

Key features of the HTTP Response object include:

  • Response Content Generation: The HTTP Response object enables scripts to generate the content of the response dynamically. This flexibility allows for the creation of responses containing structured data, such as JSON objects, or formatted text, such as HTML pages, based on the logic and processing performed by the script.

  • Status Code Setting: Scripts can set the HTTP status code of the response using the HTTP Response object, indicating the outcome of the request processing. By specifying the appropriate status code, scripts communicate the success, failure, or other status of the request to the client, facilitating proper handling on the client side.

  • Headers Manipulation: Developers can manipulate the headers of the HTTP response using the HTTP Response object, allowing for customization of response metadata. This includes setting content type headers, caching directives, and custom headers to provide additional information to the client or intermediary servers.

Error Handling: The HTTP Response object provides mechanisms for handling errors and exceptional conditions within scripts. Scripts can generate error responses with appropriate status codes and error messages to communicate issues encountered during request processing, aiding in debugging and troubleshooting.

By providing robust capabilities for generating custom responses, setting status codes, and manipulating headers, the HTTP Response object empowers scripting services to deliver dynamic and tailored responses to client requests. This facilitates the development of interactive and responsive web applications within the scripting environment.

Example Usage

import { response } from "sdk/http";

response.println("Hello World!");


Function Description Returns
isValid() Returns true if the current execution context is in a HTTP call boolean
print(text) Prints the text to the response body -
println(text) Prints the text to the response body with line separator at the end -
write(bytes) Prints the bytes array to the response body -
isCommitted() Whether response is already committed boolean
setContentType() Sets the content type -
flush() Flushes the content to the response to the client -
close() Closes the response stream to the client -
addCookie(cookie) Adds a HttpCookie to the response -
containsHeader(name) Checks existence of the header by name boolean
encodeURL(url) Returns the encoded url parameter string
getCharacterEncoding() Returns the character encoding of the response string
encodeRedirectURL() Returns the encoded redirect URL string
getContentType() Returns the content type of the response string
sendError(code, message) Sends an error instruction to the client with the given code and message. The message parameter is optional -
setCharacterEncoding(encoding) Sets the character encoding of the response -
sendRedirect(location) Sends a redirect instruction to the client to the given location -
setContentLength(length) Sets the content length of the response -
setHeader(name, value) Updates a header name/value pair to the response -
addHeader(name, value) Adds a header name/value pair to the response -
setStatus(status) Sets the status of the response -
reset(status) Resets the response -
getHeader(name) Returns the header value by name -
setLocale(language, country, variant) Sets the locale to the response -
getHeaders(name) Returns the array of header values by name array of string
getHeaderNames() Returns the names of all the headers array of string
getLocale() Returns the locale of the response string
getOutputStream() Returns the OutputStream of the response OutputStream


Constant Description Type
ACCEPTED Status code (202) indicating that a request was accepted for processing, but was not completed. int
BAD_GATEWAY Status code (502) indicating that the HTTP server received an invalid response from a server it consulted when acting as a proxy or gateway. int
BAD_REQUEST Status code (400) indicating the request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect. int
CONFLICT Status code (409) indicating that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. int
CONTINUE Status code (100) indicating the client can continue. int
CREATED Status code (201) indicating the request succeeded and created a new resource on the server. int
EXPECTATION_FAILED Status code (417) indicating that the server could not meet the expectation given in the Expect request header. int
FORBIDDEN Status code (403) indicating the server understood the request but refused to fulfill it. int
FOUND Status code (302) indicating that the resource reside temporarily under a different URI. int
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT Status code (504) indicating that the server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server while acting as a gateway or proxy. int
GONE Status code (410) indicating that the resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. int
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED Status code (505) indicating that the server does not support or refuses to support the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message. int
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Status code (500) indicating an error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request. int
LENGTH_REQUIRED Status code (411) indicating that the request cannot be handled without a defined Content-Length. int
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Status code (405) indicating that the method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI. int
MOVED_PERMANENTLY Status code (301) indicating that the resource has permanently moved to a new location, and that future references should use a new URI with their requests. int
MOVED_TEMPORARILY Status code (302) indicating that the resource has temporarily moved to another location, but that future references should still use the original URI to access the resource. int
MULTIPLE_CHOICES Status code (300) indicating that the requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own specific location. int
NO_CONTENT Status code (204) indicating that the request succeeded but that there was no new information to return. int
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION Status code (203) indicating that the meta information presented by the client did not originate from the server. int
NOT_ACCEPTABLE Status code (406) indicating that the resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request. int
NOT_FOUND Status code (404) indicating that the requested resource is not available. int
NOT_IMPLEMENTED Status code (501) indicating the HTTP server does not support the functionality needed to fulfill the request. int
NOT_MODIFIED Status code (304) indicating that a conditional GET operation found that the resource was available and not modified. int
OK Status code (200) indicating the request succeeded normally. int
PARTIAL_CONTENT Status code (206) indicating that the server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource. int
PAYMENT_REQUIRED Status code (402) reserved for future use. int
PRECONDITION_FAILED Status code (412) indicating that the precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server. int
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Status code (407) indicating that the client MUST first authenticate itself with the proxy. int
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE Status code (413) indicating that the server is refusing to process the request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process. int
REQUEST_TIMEOUT Status code (408) indicating that the client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. int
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG Status code (414) indicating that the server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. int
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE Status code (416) indicating that the server cannot serve the requested byte range. int
RESET_CONTENT Status code (205) indicating that the agent SHOULD reset the document view which caused the request to be sent. int
SEE_OTHER Status code (303) indicating that the response to the request can be found under a different URI. int
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Status code (503) indicating that the HTTP server is temporarily overloaded, and unable to handle the request. int
SERVICE_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLSUNAVAILABLE Status code (101) indicating the server is switching protocols according to Upgrade header. int
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT Status code (307) indicating that the requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. int
UNAUTHORIZED Status code (401) indicating that the request requires HTTP authentication. int
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE Status code (415) indicating that the server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. int
USE_PROXY Status code (305) indicating that the requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy given by the Location field. int