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CSVIM (Comma Separated Values Import Model)

File extension: *.csvim


The CSVIM (Comma Separated Values Import Model) file is used in the codbex platform to define the parameters and configuration for importing data from CSV files into a specified table in the database. This model allows you to customize the import process based on your specific requirements.

CSVIM File Structure

A typical CSVIM file has the following structure:

  "files": [
      "table": "MY_DATA",
      "schema": "PUBLIC",
      "file": "/my-project/csvim/data.csv",
      "header": true,
      "useHeaderNames": true,
      "delimField": ",",
      "delimEnclosing": "\"",
      "distinguishEmptyFromNull": true
    // Additional file configurations can be added...

CSVIM File Properties:

  • table (String): Specifies the name of the table in the database where the data will be imported.

  • schema (String, Optional): Specifies the schema of the table. If not provided, the default schema is used.

  • file (String): Specifies the path to the CSV file that contains the data to be imported.

  • header (Boolean): Indicates whether the CSV file contains a header row. If set to true, the first row is treated as a header and skipped during the import.

  • useHeaderNames (Boolean): Specifies whether to use header names when mapping columns. If set to true, header names are used.

  • delimField (String): Specifies the delimiter used between fields in the CSV file, such as a comma (,).

  • delimEnclosing (String): Specifies the enclosing character for fields in the CSV file, such as double quotes (").

  • distinguishEmptyFromNull (Boolean): Specifies whether to distinguish empty values from null. If set to true, empty values are treated as null during the import.

Example Usage:

In the provided example, a CSV file (/my-project/csvim/data.csv) is imported into the MY_DATA table in the PUBLIC schema. The CSV file has a header, and header names are used for column mapping. The fields are delimited by a comma (,), and double quotes (") are used for enclosing fields. Empty values are distinguished from null.

Getting Started

Create CSVIM File:

Create a new CSVIM file or modify an existing one based on your import requirements.

Configure File Properties:

Adjust the properties within the files array to specify the target table, schema, CSV file path, and import settings.

Import Data:

Use the CSVIM file to initiate the data import process. This is done through the import mechanisms provided by the platform.

Best Practices

Validate CSV Data:

Ensure that the CSV file is well-formed and matches the specified configuration in the CSVIM file.

Review Import Results:

After importing data, review any log or error messages to ensure a successful import.

Backup Data:

Before performing data imports, consider backing up existing data in the target table to prevent accidental data loss.


The CSVIM (Comma Separated Values Import Model) in the codbex platform provides a flexible and configurable approach to importing data from CSV files into database tables. Customize the CSVIM file based on your data and import requirements to streamline the data loading process.